[Plugin] xAcademy

Hmm they changed something recently…
If you can provide me packet logs (see xPacketTool) when you select the character normally and all that stuffs then I may help you.


this i was do it(charactere name blank).
i play on bellona…
@JellyBitz i will pm you, i need a little help for packet logs

I get this error. I deleted the plugins and installed them again. xacademy json I deleted the file, I tried the first attempt, successful when I opened the bot for the second time, it fails. What should I do?


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I see no problems there.

I reinstalled Python38 again, although I reinstalled the plug-in, I encounter the same error. If you want, I can give teamwiewer and you have a look.

i have a problem about a server that the plugin is not working greatly without manager and the server which players can’t log in clientless.
i use it with manager and it works greatly but in this way i have to change id of the accounts when accounts are full.
To do not spend effort and time i’ve decided use cmd line of the plugin but 2 huge problems occured.
first one is that chars can’t re-log regularly to create a new char when they are 41 level. second one is that when they log in they cannot creat a new char, [1026] issue.

The best way to solve those problems is that when a char level is 41 = RESTART bot like a manager but without manager. there is no options on conditions like that . if bot restarts itself and log in the same account , everything will work greatly . Please help me it’s the best way @Ryan @JellyBitz . Thanks .

To sum up , the plugin needs a condition which can terminate and then open phbot.exe with current login settings and current xacademy config . Please attention , help me and entire the plugin users

Building a bot condition? IF player level == 41 THEN disconnect.

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Hi. I have problem: No auto selecct character

[10:22:37] Welcome to phBot v23.8.5
[10:22:37] Updates will be posted at
[10:22:37] Twitter: twitter.com/projecthax
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[10:22:43] Login successful
[10:22:43] You have 2 days left for iSRO/SilkroadR/vSRO/cSRO SilkroadR
[10:22:44] Plugin: xAcademy v1.1.0 successfully loaded
[10:22:44] Plugin: xAutoConfig v1.0.1 successfully loaded
[10:22:53] Data load status: 100%
[10:22:54] Connecting to the gateway server [sroelitecom:5002]
[10:22:55] Connected
[10:22:55] Server capacity [ELITE ONLINE] [10.6%]
[10:22:57] Login: Sending login credentials
[10:22:57] Captcha: Success
[10:22:57] Connecting to the agent server []
[10:22:58] Connected
[10:22:59] Plugin: xAcademy character list:
[10:22:59] 1) lShalom_l142 (Lv.40) [*]
[10:22:59] 2) lShalom_l147 (Lv.33)
[10:22:59] Plugin: Selecting character [lShalom_l147] (lower than level 40)

HERE STOP, does not advance. So show a window

I increased the selecting delay 1.5s (2.5s in total).
That may help otherwise I can’t do nothing about.

Hi, i update u pugin but Nothing, stop here long time. No auto select

The phBot API not selecting character, I can’t fix that.

i cannot bec too many problem occur when i set a build like level 41= disconnect
first one is that chars can’t re-log regularly to create a new char when they are 41 level. second one is that when they log in they cannot creat a new char, [1026] issue.
i have to terminate bot … please help it’s too important for me

The lastest version has a python method to be used with builder condition.

RestartBotWithCommandLine - As you said, it will execute the same bot path, then will add the command line arguments from the current one and closing it after that.


I didn’t understand what should i do right now. how can i create a condition like that . How would i use “RestartBotWithCommandline” thing . ? Could u explain for me please .

I did it but the current informations don’t load and a lot of bots open because of the condition ,10-15 bots. how should i fill the condition for loading current information .?

Is loading correctly. Fixed to be executed only once.

To use the same login settings, you’ll need to create a shortcut/batch file to execute the bot through command line arguments.

Just to get clear:

  • Login credentials are hidden if you use manager
  • Login credentials cannot be extracted from phbot API nor packets
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Bot restart itself but do not load current login infos and xacademy config , or i couldn’t do .
What should i do ?
By the way, the plugin recognizes the char -40 but can’t open char .

16:25:57] Connected

[16:25:59] Plugin: xAcademy character list:

[16:25:59] 1)

[16:25:59] 2) test1x (Lv.2)

[16:25:59] Plugin: Selecting character [test1x] (lower than level 40)

[16:26:06] Data load status: 100%

it stops here.

how can i do this ?