[Plugin] JellyDix

I tried normalize a bit all notifications; multiples types, names and nicknames at the same channel can confuse a lot. I’ll be checking it at my discord.

v0.2.0+ Is about most people wants. Looks completly usefull now to be used as agent.


with the newjelldix i got this problem = Data [01 1C F7 C2 E8 01 29 01 00 00 00 01 00 71 C0 25 5E 00 00 00 00 30 53 4B 5E 00 00 00 00 31 9F 00 00 5A 00]

How can i fix it ?

(?i)^(((?!Cerberus|Captain ivy|Demon Shaitan|Sylph)[\s\S])*)$ not working or im doing it wrong

Pick up stuffs works at vSRO only.

I’m sorry, but I need more information like what are you picking? I can’t login at iSRO so I can’t fix it atm.

@Slaintrax Fixed. Avoid Strong unique like (?i)^(((?!strong )[\s\S])*)$

using only the global and unique spawn and kill on discord

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[22:20:37] Plugin: Error loading url [HTTP Error 502: Bad Gateway]
Is it possible for anyone tell me what im doing wrong ?

Small improvement could be added filtering blocking who killed unique’s :grin:

I cannot get “picked up” information in any way.(filtering pickedup/rare/equipable) Does anyone have any suggestions? In the previous version, these features worked for me.

I find the issue, I checked myself. I’ll update it carefully in a few hours.

Fixed. Pick up item can be filtered through both filters now…

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All fixed. You are the best. Cheers. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :beers:

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Is that works for bsilkroad’s lmp? mr mustafa :smiley:

Yeap :blush:

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Should be after 15mins 1min minor mistake

also would it be possible to recognize that type of battle arena ?



01 - Fortress war will start in 30 minutes
02 - Fortress war has begun
03 - 30 minutes before the end of fortress war
04 - 20 minutes before the end of fortress war
05 - 10 minutes before the end of fortress war
06 - Fortress war has ended
09 - 1 minute before the end of fortress war

elif opcode == 0x385F:
		channel_id = QtBind.text(gui, cmbxEvtMessage_notice)
		if channel_id:
			if data[0] == 1:
				Notify(channel_id, "[**Fortress**] : Fortress war will start in 30 minutes")
			elif data[0] == 2:
				Notify(channel_id, "[**Fortress**] : Fortress war has begun")
			elif data[0] == 3:
				Notify(channel_id, "[**Fortress**] : 30 minutes before the end of fortress war")
			elif data[0] == 4:
				Notify(channel_id, "[**Fortress**] : 20 minutes before the end of fortress war")
			elif data[0] == 5:
				Notify(channel_id, "[**Fortress**] : 10 minutes before the end of fortress war")
			elif data[0] == 6:
				Notify(channel_id, "[**Fortress**] : Fortress war has ended")
			elif data[0] == 9:
				Notify(channel_id, "[**Fortress**] : 1 minute before the end of fortress war")
			elif data[0] == 8:
				fortress_id = struct.unpack_from("<I",data,1)[0]
				l = struct.unpack_from("<H", data, 5)[0]
				guild = data[7:7+l].decode('cp1252')

				if fortress_id == 1:
					Notify(channel_id, "[**Fortress**] : Jangan fortress has been taken by " + guild)
				elif fortress_id == 6:
					Notify(channel_id, "[**Fortress**] : Bandit fortress has been taken by " + guild)
				elif fortress_id == 3:
					Notify(channel_id, "[**Fortress**] : Hotan fortress has been taken by " + guild)
					Notify(channel_id, "[**Fortress**] : Fortress has been taken by " + guild)

I’m not even sure about message times, I would prefer fix it for iSRO as base, just let me to know if something is wrong.


Private server owners should not use JellyDix.
Anybody with the channel ID can make use of it.

To create a public one, you should check my public repl.it, clone, and setup respectly.
Yes, it’s public! :face_with_hand_over_mouth: That’s the purpose in the JellyDix Key to restrict usage.

JellyDix (BOT) here shown is made for private/personal usage.
Issues? Contact me! :male_detective:

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That was at donwhang :slight_smile:

@JellyBitz Is it possible to add a notification for when you get an item from Genie’s Lamp quest ?

Image host changed.

Silkroad in a nutshell :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

@leo050 Yes, you can using the actual filter (vSRO only).

hmm but the genie lamp quest is in isro

Got error that package failed to load… tried reinstalling the vcredist 2010, still same error :frowning: