[Plugin] JellyDix

Possible only at the world map because I’m not sure how phBot handle caves… anyway requires work.

Check you have python.dll and python34 folder located correctly.

There is no more instructions I can give you, it has nothing different to any other of my created plugins.

I know there is a delay from discord (1-15s as max.) but for me sounds fair.
So, I’m not going to add it after all.

You can edit your plugin where you need it. Time? add it like:

SendNotify("["+unique['name']+"] spawned")


from datetime import datetime
SendNotify("["+datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M:%S')+"]["+unique['name']+"] spawned")

lastest version (v0.0.6) is called SendNotify.

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It works…
Use correctly TAB, and/or move from datetime import datetime to the top (of the whole code).


I added the timestamp and worked fine with me

here is the plugin with the timestamp

but i didnt test the ( Complete ) the rest are fine


@JellyBitz thanks for the hints :stuck_out_tongue:

Can I send a Lucky Magic Powder notification with the item name or otherwise? I will not need a new checkbox. LMP can be connected to the “item drop” checkbox.

I need this information :slight_smile:

If you have problems loading it you will need to install vcredist 2010. The SSL library requires it and not everyone has it installed.


Edit: Installer 1.0.8 will now install 2010.

Thanks for the help

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To enjoy the lastest version with the new feature, you should kick JellyDix and invite it again since more permissions are required to upload images.

What permissions?

I didn’t find a way to request permissions at the same bot so kick and invite is the easier and maybe the only way.

Preview from v0.1.1 (Pick up stuff requires testing)


u areeeeeeeeeeeee amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing …

I had A suggestion in my mind, would be interesting

what about adding creating a box ( adding keywords )
when those met the condition (( what wrote in the global == KeyWords )) the char will use @ name in discord …

Like if someone wrote in Global

Jelly == The Keyword

then the bot will mention u with the global in the discord …

btw its just a suggestion xD

It’s already done! Check the v0.1.2

If you want to filter business globals like WTB, WTS, WTT, etc.
You’ll have to use regex syntax as text like wtb|wts|wtt

(?i) (Use it at start for case insensitive) (?i)wtb|wts|wtt

At your case just log the globals you need.
I want only messages about me? this is enough : (?i)JellyBitz
That’s the meaning about notifications, don’t take it as a logger if you don’t need it actually.

thanks <3

Hello !

whats the problem Plugin: notify failed [wrong data] ?

@JellyBitz thanks for help

Python Hatası: unpack_from requires a buffer of at least 4 bytes

Check the Key and Website it’s correct!

Key : JellyDix
Website : https://jellydix.jellybitz.repl.co

I added error messages to target the issues.

@hmhuseyin Pick up stuff works at vSRO, iSRO and others has not been tested, I’ll try.

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is it possible to filter uniques like ignore the titan spawns?

Thanks its work. <3 But the global chats dosent working. how can i fix it ? :slight_smile: thanks for help @JellyBitz

You can learn a bit regex (regular expressions) and do whatever you need to filter it.

Notify all except Cerberus and Captain Ivy

(?i)^(((?!Cerberus|Captain ivy)[\s\S])*)$

@richie2094 It works, just check that …

oke thanks

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seems i broke the plugin somehow :sweat_smile:

Globals not working

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well update 1.3 made it look weird on discord + time is blocked by spoiler