[Plugin] JellyDix

Nevermind, thats only on latest stable release, went with testing release now, works perfectly

“Party member left” is not working

The plugin doesn’t save the settings I do except for the ChannelID list. Any ideas what is wrong? I use the bot with the Manager at iSRO.

What’s not saving? There is a Save button which saves everything since it cannot be automatically saved.

Ah well
 I kind of didn’t recognize there is a save button :sweat_smile:. Usually I would expect a save button to be at the bottom of a tab/page. And maybe on both tabs. Thanks anyway for the hint :smiley:

Space reduced with too many options, even a second Tab is required.

At least the GUI has sense with just looking once.


I set “Party member left” option for the party master. But it does not send notifications. I’m getting these errors.

[19:52:48] Python Hatası: ‘NoneType’ object is not subscriptable
[19:53:52] Python Hatası: local variable ‘memberName’ referenced before assignment
[22:04:00] Python Hatası: local variable ‘memberName’ referenced before assignment

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does not transfer what is written globally? @JellyBitz

Everything works smoothly, but doesn’t send global messages on private servers. @JellyBitz

discord bot offline ?

can add option to get notification when trade complete
and when char disconnected
and send how much gold char have or how much any item i write it name gold have from it ? imean iwant how much my char have from arena coin or anything else ijust write name and choose discord channel and it send every 1h or any time i choose
And send warning messages if char not attack or move and stay at same spot
And warning message if char stuck

The lastest version has mentioned features.

Disconnected through settings, the trade stuff can be done through script command.
Command: JellyDix,Channel ID,Message
Example: JellyDix,010010000110100100100001,This is a script notification

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u mean i put JellyDix, before sell ?
like JellyDix,oldtrade,sell
or what u mean ?
done after see ur edite working fine thanks alot <3

You will add directly add after selling or to script
JellyDix,010010000110100100100001,This is a script notification
You can change like This is a buying notification for buying or This is a selling notification for selling

Command: JellyDix,Channel ID,Message

ur channel id

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I added to my script but not worked for me

show SS

Script: The command line is [JellyDix,679066646739943435,Satın aldım] not found

I think I have to set Disconnected from the game first.

yes it say not found but it should send the msg to discord work fine with me
make sure u put right discord id
[00:39:42] Script: Command not found [JellyDix,689191559882866740,trade complete]