
It’s working for me. Although it’s spamming disconnect so I’ll make it check if it’s connected first.

Work only when the bot are stoped.

would be the best, since it does not disconnect if the bot is started

i tried to tell @ryan this before, but nothing changed.

That means you are in town.

Pluguin helper academy, only work when reload when disconect

Or, any condition for reload pluguin by lvl, why the phython conditio call functions, i needed reload the pluguin

You don’t need to reload a plugin. You can call your own Python function and “reset” stuff in there.

do you can do a exemple? i call a function inside code? or name pluguin…


ii want say, (THIS_IS_A_FUNCTION) ← Its is a name of pluguin or any line of inside code?

It’s the name of the function. It will call it in every Python script so make it unique.

but, i want know where i see this name of function :smiley:

What do you mean? There is no function named that. You have to create it.

def my_function():
	# do stuff

thanks, now i know whats call :smiley:

but, its dont work for academy help(pluguin), this pluguin need reload every a disconnect…

Which plugin?

Edit it to reset the values.

i’am try, but only work whem i make reload plugin