
Maybe. I would recommend starting the bot first instead.

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someone can explain me conditions phyton what is for? how can i make with phyton

It allows you to do whatever you want. Specify your function name for the “Python” condition and it will be called. If it’s an “if” you should return True or False.

can add the sound alarm settings to conditions ? we can take actions when some alarm activated.

I could add playing a WAV file.

nope not playing wav. add those events as if’s , for example if tiger girl spawned, change training area to X

No because that requires storing the state of the spawned uniques.

you can play a sound when a tiger girl spanwed, but you cant do anything else ?

Conditions don’t work that way.

can u add conditions reverse party leader ?

Yes, added for the next version.

do you can make condition, When relog reload any

Why would you want/need to do that?

@Ryan can you help me to make a condition to dc at lv40 with 1%
i try this if (Current level >= 40 && EXP % >= 1) { Terminate; } but dont work

I don’t think you need to add the EXP percent.

if (Current level >= 40 && EXP % >= 1) { Disconnect; }

I try and dont work.

i currently using same condition without a problem

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the character is lv123

can you try to stop bot?