Writing a profile with Phyton

Phyton ile profil değiştirme yazdım ama eğer komut çalışıyor başka komutunu döndüremiyorum. Yardımcı olurmusunuz? Oluşturmak istediğim, yapıyor> = 1 ise Benzersiz profiline geçebilirsiniz, Test profiline geç. Oluşturduğum komut böyle:

from phBot import *
log(“Eklenti Yüklendi”)
def handle_event(t, data):
if t >= 0:

stop spam forum in you’r language
boring to help some one who dont want understant the simple LANGUAGE RULES


I wrote a profile change with Phyton, but I can’t return any other command if the command is running. Could you help? What I want to create is doing> = 1 If you can switch to the Unique profile, switch to the Test profile. The command I created is like this:

Where I was missing or made a mistake. Anyone who can help?

I’m not sure where you’re trying to change the profile. handle_event is for custom events I added support for and you’re trying to change it on every single one. If you want it to change on a unique spawn you need to use:


def handle_event(t, data):
	if t == 0:

There is no way to set it back if a unique dies. You would need to scan the monster list.


Can you give me an example of how to scan the monster list?

@Ryan How do I use get_monster() on the boat?


How do I find out the identities of the gangs with the get_monsters() command?

I need an example of how to use the GET_MONSTERS() API.

Start by learning Python, then you’ll understand the API usage.

You can find examples everywhere, is open source.