As soon as you log into the game with the bot, activating the “Start bot” button after 12 seconds is experiencing a delay. Would you arrange to start this as soon as you enter the game?
As soon as you log into the game with the bot, activating the “Start bot” button after 12 seconds is experiencing a delay. Would you arrange to start this as soon as you enter the game?
As soon as you enter the game, there is a delay in party invitation and party acceptance. In order for the boat to run faster and more stable, I will continue my suggestions.
It’s 4 seconds. It doesn’t matter.
Start a bot like mbot, party invitation and party acceptance as soon as you enter the game, we want phbot to do it. All suggestions are for us users.
If this starts causing disconnects then I’m blaming you. There are delays for a reason.
I don’t think it will cause the disconnection. If it does, you convert it to old delay times. Our server is regularly maintained and special drops are dropped from special titan monsters. We eat ks because of these delays. Please, take note of our suggestions.
Why do you think they exist in the first place?
Because, when the characters enter the game after the maintenance, they are in preparing a party and their attack times are late. Other players’ boots start in less time and throw us ks. In this case, it makes us sad.
I didn’t ask why you want it changed. There’s a reason for delays like I said before.
Then I would like you to add options for users to set the times. Users should be able to make changes with deadlines. Thus, every user will be satisfied with this situation.
Not my fault if you start disconnecting at random or weird things happen when starting the bot after logging in.
Okay Ryan, it’s my responsibility. I just tried, it was much faster bot. Thank you very much. I love you <3
Ryan, I made a python. Alone, it only works when reconnected. I want it to work when it’s first connected to the game and when it’s reconnected. Where am I missing?can you help me finish?
from phBot import *
def joined_game():
if not get_status() == ‘botting’:
log(’[%s] Loaded’ % name)
You made it?
You want special things and are not ready to try it on your own way. I told you that delays are important and Ryan said the same.
If you want special functions and have done the sample than you are able to do the rest:
But i forgot - you got the sample from me
@Ryan in batch file: --startbot 1(ms) arg is not working.
–startbot function is not working or how can we run it, can you help?
There is no argument for startbot.
Understood. Can you add party buffing and party accept to the conditions?
I would like one of the party members to renew the swing in March.