[Plugin] xAutoDungeon

Hi ty so much for that service but i have a issue to fix.
Im using script all fine attacking stoping starting…
But whenever my char kills some unique which drops something it may not collect drops. This happens 10/6. So can we add this plugin this
Check area if any drop, collect, 35
Something like that. Waiting <3

Also i recorded a video i can send it too if my mssg not clear enough. @JellyBitz

How can I make leave party when script ends @JellyBitz

Can you add a way to the plugin?

Try to increase the scanning time, like 10 seconds could solve it, by default it’s very fast (1s).
Otherwise you have to modify code, adding delay to “All mobs killed, stop botting” section.


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should I add to the script?

Ty so much for answering again. Should i make my comment like this?
AttackArea,35,10 ?
35 = Radius
10 = Time

Edit: I think this is wrong. i tested it.
Can u tell me how can i add time? My bot detect only radius for now

I was adding delay with this code after uploading autodungeon to last version
This 10 was delay. But in the last update its radius. So pls tell me how can i add radius and delay at same time.
Also i tried this but didn’t work. AttackArena 10,10. Only sees radius no delay.
Or can i add
searchfordrop,10 ? Something like that?
Because my bot doesn’t pick up items sometimes.
TY @JellyBitz

It checks both values, you can check scanning value by the time between phBot logs.

AttackArea,100,20 : 100 radius, 20s as scanner delay


I need fgw 3-4 grade script you have ?

Hello Miss Jelly, i just read ur script, i think its perfect and is the first i see this. But i tryed to use it and didnt work. Can u please help me? I follow ur instruction very well but nothing happened. I have a massive message from Joymax, something like (Python: Joymax: b021) a code like that in the bot line.

I will appreciate too much ur help, thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

Does anyone have script for Bahdag Dugeon, please share it. Thanks alot!!

anyone have holywater temple scripts for uniqes please share it :frowning: and @JellyBitz you’re just perfect, hats off.

Is it normal for me to get an error when loading the plugin?
I started to get this problem today

You should only have one file for it in your Plugins folder.

I really tried it of all kinds I reinstalled them again and I just put a plugin to see if it worked and in the end it was still the same

@chinowumo did you update ur python correctly pls dobblecheck it

I have really checked it many times, uninstalled it and reinstalled it I did the python process manually and it does not work at all, but what I really wanted to check was if I am the one having a problem or is it with everyone, because this happens to me since I updated the phbot to v23.6.0 (previous v23.5.7)

That means you couldn’t successfully upgrade the python libs.

I already got the error, it was this little thing that was probably causing an error when loading the plugin, it seemed strange to me because the other plugin worked less this
If the same thing happens to someone, they just have to go to this folder and erase this ugly thing
Thanks: D