Ah that’s something else.
[15:40:07] Plugin: Activating Anti-AFK…
[15:40:07] Plugin: Random movement to (X:16134.3,Y:5715.1)
[15:40:07] Python Error: name ‘Timer’ is not defined
and after register bot stop and when arena finish it can’t auto register again ihave to do that by my hadn to start bot again
He fixed it 8 minutes ago.
how to make bot auto start again after arena finish ? it’s register then say bot stop … when arena finish and char back to town can’t register again
[01:33:22] Plugin: Successfully registered to arena
[01:33:22] Bot stopped. Botting time [0 minutes]
[01:40:24] Plugin: Activating Anti-AFK…
[01:40:24] Plugin: Random movement to (X:15954.0,Y:5717.9)
[01:40:29] Plugin: Random movement to (X:15953.8,Y:5717.2)
[01:40:33] Plugin: Random movement to (X:15954.0,Y:5716.4)
bot say that but char not move and after 8 mins iguess system give me dc for afk long time
is AntiAFK system includes answer to Server request as “Confirm (you’re not bot)” ?
[11:16:59] Plugin: xAcademy v1.0.3 successfully loaded
[11:16:59] Plugin: xAcademy.py has failed to load
[11:16:59] Plugin: xAutoConfig successfully loaded.
Thank u bro
How i stop random moviment?
ant afk system not working for me at least, i had to execute script inside the battle arena to walk there.
Hello. First I’d like to thank you for sharing this plug in. However, I have some issues regarding the registration. My first issue is that after it successfully registers to the currently active arena type, the bot stops. So I have to restart it after every arena. My second issue is that for job arena, I have to wear the job equipment manually for the bot to register. Is there a way to automate these? Thanks in advance.
my bot didnt restart after arena, it just keep doing random movement
my bot didnt restart after arena, it just keep doing random movement
@JellyBitz Thanks for the awesome work, Does it wear job before registering job arena?
You can use some phBot utility like “Script”
First thx for the Plugin, it´s working great except one point… i have the problem that the bot is not restarting after the event is finished and i have no clue what i forgot.
This is my script, i have to add a restart command or something like that?
Hi @JellyBitz. I love this plugin. But i have a question. How can i stop random moving ?
well, it should restart but it doesn´t
here´s the log:
[11:31:21] Bot started
[11:31:22] Inventory: Combining [Arena Coin]
[11:31:23] Script: Walking to -16623, -295
[11:31:23] Plugin: Trying register to Battle Arena
[11:31:23] Plugin: Successfully registered to arena
[11:31:23] Bot stopped. Botting time [0 minutes]
[11:40:24] Plugin: Activating Anti-AFK…
[11:40:24] Plugin: Random movement to (X:16134.0,Y:5716.0)
[11:40:29] Plugin: Random movement to (X:16133.8,Y:5716.4)
[11:44:50] Plugin: Random movement to (X:16126.7,Y:5712.5)
[11:44:54] Gained 0 experience and 37.650 SP experience
[11:44:54] Plugin: You have lost, you gained 2 coins!
and then it´s over it´s just not doing the command to restart.
Is the bot supposed to stop after register or could this be my problem?
hiii seenseiiiiiii
TRso phbot added xarena to make sro 71 80 arena, I drew the script, it goes in and comes back and I couldn’t find a way to turn into yehoya in the script, also you don’t see the yehoya skills there as a bot.
great master
Hello ı need some help for TRSRO 81-90 Dungeon
I drew the script but always trying 71-80 how can ı fix this?