[Plugin] xAcademy

Ok, will try and wait. Thanks for your support :slight_smile:
tho, even when I delete the python34.dll and add the 38.dll, I cant execute it Captura I will wait if maybe Jelly can help us
thanks for your time

Yeah you need to have the bot updated to the last version, and replace the python38.dll after.

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You would only see that error if you’re using the stable release or an older version of testing.

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I didn’t find a reference to this statement. Also needs to be explicit declared if they are going to be set only.

Casually I find out a global inside create_character not being set but it’s fixed now.

Edit xMatchLocker. There is a user settings section.

Should work for both match systems.

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Both (Member and Master) needs to have the same password/plugin.

  1. Master ask for password
  2. Member send password
  3. Master accept or deny.

The bot should not accept or deny match join requests because that’s the plugin job (configure your bot settings correctly). Did you even tried to use it?

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Yeah, I said so because your PartyMatchLock plugin had that problem
 You didn’t declare any global variable inside the handle_joymax() function and neither put a Return at the end of the function (causes the game client to not load). Thought it would be the same problem.

I had the same problems in some of my plugins.

In fact, that same problem about receiving the password and not accepting the request is because of that. You’ve set different values to global variables inside the handle_joymax function but didnt declare them as globals.

 I’m talking about xAcademy.py 

I made xMatchLocker yesterday with no test, does not surprise me :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Today I’m working with some users to solve issues at code. At this moment, everything should be fixed.

Use the lastest version and let m to know. Also the bot logs are important to confirm the plugin is working (or at least trying to work).

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Thanks for waiting for your current work in the latest version of bots i understood okey

[21:01:09] Python Hatası: unsupported operand type(s) for -: ‘float’ and ‘NoneType’

I get this error from member character

Everything has been fixed, just make sure you are using the lastest version.

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thank you I tried to reload the bot :slight_smile:

The system is vulnerable. How is this possible? A person who did not know the password locked the academy @JellyBitz

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Fixed. I keep it easy, now you’ll need to edit/specify your match master.

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Please, make your question with moderation after using the common sense.

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I get this error code when I install the plugins. I have Phyton 3.8 installed on my computer.

image Plugin klosörĂŒnĂŒn içinde python38 var mı ? @Okeanos

Bana özelden mesaj gönder yardımcı olayım :slight_smile: <3 @Okeanos

malesef profilin gizli olduğundan dolayı sana özel mesaj gönderemiyorum :slight_smile:

Profilim gizli değil tıklayıp mesaj yollayabilirsiniz. Ben size mesaj attım. @Okeanos

Please, avoid spam and try to use search function at first.

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