[Plugin] Battle of Infinity

No you don’t need to set any positions, the plugin automatically sets the position of the training area when it’s time to pick.

Character or pet did not pick with 100 radius…

Change log v1.2

  • Fixed not saving configs if you reloaded the plugin
  • Fixed a timing issue that occured occasioally with party mode
  • Added an update checker, it should now tell you if theres an update avaliable for the plugin
  • Added support for removing morph when picking starts (I’ve never had a picking issue but this might solve it for some)

@DeRidder14 ,
Sorry for replying late. After the time condition is met, the profile changes to BOI and there is only one script enabled in this profile which is the following

Try to have your profile_1 condition stop the bot then in your BOI profile have it start the bot. So this way when your profile changes it is stopping and starting the bot.

It’s working perfectly well. Thanks for your effort… BUT still, at some instances, the pet stays too far from golds and drops and do not pick them. Sometimes picks sometimes not. I think adding “go near the trasure and cancel mask after the wave 20 complete” to the plugin would make it even more flawless…

Make sure you set your pick radius correctly on the training area, the picking uses the normal bot function so all your pick filter settings and radius apply.

check the change log, i added this yesterday so you will have to update the plugin.

i’ve downloaded it 2 hours ago, so i think it should be latest version? 1.2 ?

and tested now on 3rd PC with 3rd char, still does not cancel the mask after it ends.

Yes 1.2. It removes the morph I just tested it.

yeah removed the mask in 1 of 6 instances for me, still works way better than expected. but again this remove mask option is not working everytime, thanks again. Appreciated your work!

It’s worked every time for me. There’s no reason it wouldn’t work every time unless the API is giving wrong information (which I can’t fix and I doubt is the issue) or maybe lag.

There’s not really a reason to remove the morph anyway, you can pick items while morphed.

there is something wrong bro with changing profile (when i make a condition to go town leave pt and chan profile(boi profile) its work but after boi is done its not changing profile for traning slot) bot says changing for traning slot but stucks

If it says changing profile its definitely changing so that is working 100%. Can you be more specific on what and where its stuck? Does the bot log say anything after changing?

the thing is its says changing profile and when i look at profile yes it choses the traning profile but my settings are still boi setting not traning profile settings
not just me i tried it for my 4-5 friend and yes they have same issues as me

if i start it first boi profile and when it done with boi it goes perfectly to ttraning profile and goes slot but when i use condition build it does not work (like when there is a second profile change there is something goes wrong. i hope u can add an option like closing bot after done with 2 boi) it would make a chance for when i use manager i guess. :slight_smile:

and now i found 1 more issues same like @Shiro i have pet and have the range of 80 pick radius but still not picking before it was picking but i updated to newest one now its not picking (maybe u can add function like PickDrops, 50 (as a command and range ?))

I dont think i can do anything about that, seems unrelated to the plugin

Picking has nothing to do with the plugin, all the plugin is doing is setting the training area over the drops area and starting the bot. Adding my own pick function is just a waste of time when the bot can easily do that. Next time you have an issue with picking can you please check the phBot map and see if the training area is in place over the pandoras box? maybe the API is not changing the area sometimes, that is all i can think of. I have never had an issue with picking so I cant see why thats happening.

yea its the circle is not there

can u add an option like after boi complete 2 time terminate the bot (not dc )