Pasword reset

Hei Admin. I bought new pc after long time using phbot. Hhen i finished all the updates and all the settings i tried to connect to phbot but it doesn’t let me. When I press “RESEET HARDWERE ID” I no longer allow me to change my password. Although I changed my password a few minutes ago, is it not the same as PROJECT HAX? What kinde of changes I should do now? or wait 12H?

Bot and forum accounts are completely separate now. It’s also different from your Manager password.

can you send me a link to log in to phbot for the first time? for it is necessary for the first time only to be written

I don’t follow. You receive the login credentials in your email.

so now i have to wait 12 hours to get new password for HWIDs? even though I created a new password a few minutes ago? why is it not good for me? can explain? Thank you very much :wink:

That’s not what the HWID reset does.

Thanks Ryan for that. You are my HERO. And Now I have another question. I have problem with my multi player Manager. Something with HOST… I add picture of problem and settings, can you check is it something wrong?

You can only login 2 at a time (1 per gateway server) otherwise you will be temporarily IP banned by the server.