My bot suddently got disconnected and never get to connect again

I was botting last night and bot crashed all of the sudden and game dced, then I can never launch bot again it always freeze and crashed. I downloaded and try the stable version too but it always show error connecting to authentication server. Please help me Ryan

Your probably IP banned. Read this,

Nope I dont think so, i can login with normal client. Its just that my phbot client won’t start

Can you show the error? i may have misunderstood

I found that phbot runs without problem wheni use office WIFI, problem occurs when I use my phone’s hotspot at home. Perhaps phone’s ip blocked by bot server?

Not sure but more likely the other way around. Your hotspot is blocking the server.

I see, if its the case, what can I do to prevent my hotspot from blocking the server?

This looks like the issue I mentioned to you in private @DeRidder14, Hey @maples86 do you have a plugin installed?
And does your bot directly crushes or it logins the char and crashes after selecting char at the loading screen?

This is new to me, thanks for sharing this.

did you use manager to log in?
manager does that alot if your hard drive isn’t great. it happened in my other pc,
try selecting “enable crash dump” in manager option.

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