Hi, i made a script whit auto trade all is fine and perfect but i fail to in to let the trader make buf on the hunter pt buf is active i added “dismount” for a location so he would make buf but for some reason he don’t do it and i would like to know how i can make it buf the hunter.
as i know party buffing is works when u start the bot at the training area not during the script.
I will suggest something and u could try it … using xAutoDungeon
in the middle of the script
and set the char to ignore all mobs and attacking … but i guess in this way u cant use route for auto trading since the bot wont be able to know if he’s at the start or at the end … that happened me when i was testing it in HWT … GL ^_~
Thanks a lot for the info.
well i can ad skil during the script but i don’t know if there is a commend to ad the skil to a player
I dont think that possible on the middle of script
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