error do not fix item and buy item after return to town Sro VTC

after last update on 26-09-2023, my bot did not buy anything after return to town.
when restart the bot, it noticed that i was not in town or far from training area.
when restart the bot sometimes again, my character auto running to training area but do not fix item or buy item.
Please help me to fix this error!

Try copying this town script into your script folder,

Is work for me

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i’ve tried as you advise but it not working.
it’s same like before.
still not fix the equipment and not buy anything.
may be it skip my town script.

You can try my way,

  1. Seclect the item and qty, which you want to buy in “town”.
  2. Create a walk script, to go to NPC and call NPC process.
    – can try “Create” in “Training Area” to create walk script.
  3. Disable “Town Script” in Training Area.
  4. Add “Condition” → if “InTown” and “Botting” then execute_script “your_script.txt”
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You might have the option to skip the town script or continue town scripts enabled.

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i’ve fixed that error,
it noticed that lacking file and it did not knew that the character is in town.
i re-download that lacking file and everything work as normal.

thank you!

my bot has lacking a file to know that character is in town.
i used VPN and download this file and the bot has worked as normal.

thank you Ryan! :smiley:

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