Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying,I don't know what else to do to avoid this

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[07:13:13] Data load status: 100%

[07:13:14] Connecting to the gateway server []

[07:13:14] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying

[07:13:15] Connecting to the gateway server []

[07:13:15] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying

[07:13:16] Connecting to the gateway server []

[07:13:16] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying

[07:13:17] Connecting to the gateway server []

[07:13:17] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying

[07:13:18] Connecting to the gateway server []

[07:13:19] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying

[07:13:20] Connecting to the gateway server []

[07:13:20] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying

[07:13:21] Connecting to the gateway server []

[07:13:21] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying

[07:13:22] Connecting to the gateway server []

[07:13:22] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying

[07:13:23] Connecting to the gateway server []

[07:13:24] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying

[07:13:25] Connecting to the gateway server []

[07:13:25] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying

[07:13:26] Connecting to the gateway server []

[07:13:26] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying

[07:13:27] Connecting to the gateway server []

[07:13:27] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying

[07:13:28] Connecting to the gateway server []

[07:13:28] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying

You are probably temporarily IP banned.

but that is every day what will be the best configuration to avoid this

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