Vietnames Sro Banned

Whenever I enter the game with phbot, I am banned. I have indicated the life below. Can you help me?

Tài khoản này hiện tại khòng thế két nói đén máy chủ
Lý do: Máy chủ đang quá tải vui lòng quay lại sau. Trăn trọng!
Giờ két thúc: Sunday, January1,2006


This account is currently not connected to the server
Reason: Server is overloaded, please come back later. Sincerely!
Closing time: Sunday, January1,2006

You aren’t banned. The server is full.

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But I’m trying to get into the non-full Bach Ho server. I still get the same error

Could it be due to the following reason? I open the game without using phbot. I exit the game after a certain period of time. The game seems to be closed but sro_client and x-trap still remain open in the task manager. I also did not notice this situation and I was entering the game with phbot. Then I started to get the error I mentioned above. I can access the servers after a certain amount of time has passed.

does it login without bot at the same server?

I can enter with phbot after waiting for a long time. But then I can’t play again

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