TRSRO Knidos PhBot Qin-Shi is not performing bot attack on the 3rd floor(above level 90)

Türkçe: Silkroad Online TRSRO Knidos PhBot Qin-Shi 3. katta (90 Level Üstü) bot attack yapmıyor. Çalışmıyor. Yeniden yükleme de yaptım. Başka bilgisayarda da denedim ama çözüm bulamadım. Bu konuda destek verebilir misiniz?

English: Silkroad Online TRSRO Knidos PhBot Qin-Shi is not performing bot attack on the 3rd floor (above level 90). It’s not working. I have also tried reinstalling it. I tested it on another computer, but I couldn’t find a solution. Can you provide support on this issue?

Due to the design of the map, small stones and light objects are perceived as obstacles, causing the bot to constantly stop and try to attack again
Turn off the 3 options in the image and try again

Training Area > Collision


Thank you, Burak. I did what you said, and the problem is solved

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