Trsro doesnt work in manager

Trsro doesnt work in manager ?

I couldn’t succeed, is there anyone who can?

It does. You need to set it up correctly. Enable the file log and look in there for errors.

I can’t see because it didn’t start

I’m talking about the Manager.

Enable the file log

how do i do this ?

It’s in the options menu.

can you help me ?

I couldn’t.She’s just healing herself

Correct. Conditions cannot cast a skill on a player.

It should come as soon as possible, a very important feature, especially for chin server

I’ve added a condition for it. It will only support heal and cure buffs and they must be in your party. Let me know if you have any issues before I release it.

Doesn’t open when clicked on manager,
I play both isro and trsro , ı needed phbot manager
when i started it from manager isro work trsro doesnt work

Make sure you let both update the databases first.

not entering the game right now

new version update !

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I have the same problem. menager running phbot but not starting silkroad client. When I close the menager while phbot is running in the background, the silkroad client starts.

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