Traning Area Condition

Good evening all,

We got a problem with training area condition. When Cleric goes back to town, other character turns to be a cleric. When main cleric comes back to training area. Second character doesnt leave cleric condition. Normally it has to turn back to attack.

Best regards,


Problem fixed

Because of you didn’t share how to solve your problem, I will give a suggestion for who can be stuck in a similar condition.

You can simply handle these kind of problems by changing bot profile instead of lots of condition. For example, lets say you have 2 bot profile for your MyCharacter named char.

Profile Names: MyCharacter_Attack (for attacking) and MyCharacter_Cleric (For being cleric)

In MyCharacter_Attack profile simply add below condition
If Player not in training Area == ClericCharName → Change Profile (MyCharacter_Cleric)

Now your character is being cleric. And if you add below condition to MyCharacter_Cleric profile;
If Player in training area = ClericCharName → Change Profile (MyCharacter_Attack)

In this way, you dont need any complicated conditions or settings :slight_smile: