Possible to add an option to attack the same mob a certain player is attacking?
I was planning to share the plugin, but was never tested after the recent changes.
Try it and comment us, teorically works.
from phBot import *
import QtBind
import struct
import json
import os
pName = 'xMobSelector'
pVersion = '0.0.1'
pUrl = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JellyBitz/phBot-xPlugins/master/xMobSelector.py'
# Globals
selectedUID = 0
isActived = False
# Initializing gui_
gui = QtBind.init(__name__,pName)
lblMobs = QtBind.createLabel(gui,"List of monsters near to you",39,10)
lstMobs = QtBind.createList(gui,6,30,200,229)
lstMobsData = []
btnRefreshMobs = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnRefreshMobs_clicked'," Refresh ",71,259)
lblAutoSelectMobs = QtBind.createLabel(gui,"Auto select mobs from this list",281,10)
lstAutoSelectMobs = QtBind.createList(gui,256,30,200,229)
lstAutoSelectMobsData = []
btnScanMobs = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnScanMobs_clicked'," Start Scanner ",315,259)
btnAddMob = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnAddMob_clicked'," âș ",217,90)
btnRemMob = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnRemMob_clicked'," â ",217,110)
# Return character configs path (JSON)
def getConfig():
return get_config_dir()+pName+ ".json"
# Load default configs
def loadDefaultConfig():
# Clear data
global isActived,lstAutoSelectMobsData
isActived = False
lstAutoSelectMobsData = []
QtBind.setText(gui,btnScanMobs," Start Scanner ")
# Save all config
def saveConfigs():
# Save all data
data = {}
lstAutoSelect = []
for mob in lstAutoSelectMobsData:
data["Mobs"] = lstAutoSelect
# Override
with open(getConfig(),"w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
# Loads all config previously saved
def loadConfigs():
# Check config exists to load
if os.path.exists(getConfig()):
data = {}
with open(getConfig(),"r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
# Load channels
if "Mobs" in data:
for mob in data["Mobs"]:
QtBind.append(gui,lstAutoSelectMobs,mob['name']+" ("+getMobType(mob['type'])+")")
global lstAutoSelectMobsData
lstAutoSelectMobsData = data["Mobs"]
def getMobType(t):
if t == 0:
return 'General'
if t == 1:
return 'Champion'
if t == 4:
return 'Giant'
if t == 5:
return 'Titan'
if t == 6:
return 'Strong'
if t == 7:
return 'Elite'
if t == 8:
return 'Unique'
if t == 16:
return 'Party General'
if t == 17:
return 'Party Champion'
if t == 20:
return 'Giant'
return 'Unknown['+str(t)+']'
# Start/Stop scaneer the list of mobs around you
def btnScanMobs_clicked():
global isActived
if isActived:
isActived = False
QtBind.setText(gui,btnScanMobs," Start Scanner ")
isActived = True
QtBind.setText(gui,btnScanMobs," Stop Scanner ")
global selectedUID
selectedUID = 0
# List of mobs actually around you
def btnRefreshMobs_clicked():
# Clear the list
global lstMobsData
lstMobsData = []
# Get all mobs near to you
mobs = get_monsters()
if mobs:
# add all kind of mobs actually found
for uid, mob in mobs.items():
# Add mob
QtBind.append(gui,lstMobs,mob['name']+" ("+getMobType(mob['type'])+") - [UID:"+str(uid)+"]")
# Check if is already on the selector list
def ListAutoSelectMob_Contains(mob):
for _mob in lstAutoSelectMobsData:
if _mob['name'] == mob['name'] and _mob['type'] == mob['type']:
return True
return False
# Add specific type of mobs to the selector list
def btnAddMob_clicked():
# Selecting mob from the scan list
selectedIndex = QtBind.currentIndex(gui,lstMobs)
if selectedIndex >= 0:
selectedMob = lstMobsData[selectedIndex]
if not ListAutoSelectMob_Contains(selectedMob):
QtBind.append(gui,lstAutoSelectMobs,selectedMob['name']+" ("+getMobType(selectedMob['type'])+")")
global lstAutoSelectMobsData
# remove mobs from the selector list
def btnRemMob_clicked():
selectedIndex = QtBind.currentIndex(gui,lstAutoSelectMobs)
if selectedIndex >= 0:
global lstAutoSelectMobsData
# Called every 500ms.
def event_loop():
if isActived:
# Scann mobs and target it if is required
def SearchAndDestroy():
if len(lstAutoSelectMobsData) > 0:
# Get nearby mobs
mobs = get_monsters()
# Check if mob died or gone far away
if selectedUID:
if mobs:
for uid, mob in mobs.items():
if uid == selectedUID:
global selectedUID
selectedUID = 0
# Check for a new target
if mobs:
for uid, mob in mobs.items():
if ListAutoSelectMob_Contains(mob):
# Inject Packet - Select Target
def Inject_SelectTarget(targetUID):
packet = bytearray()
packet = packet + struct.pack('<I',targetUID)
inject_joymax(0x7045,packet, False)
# All packets received from Silkroad will be passed to this function
# Returning True will keep the packet and False will not forward it to the game server
def handle_joymax(opcode, data):
if opcode == 0xB045:
global selectedUID
if data[0]:
selectedUID = struct.unpack_from("<I",data,1)[0]
selectedUID = 0
# Plugin load success
log('Plugin: '+pName+' v'+pVersion+' successfully loaded')
# Adding RELOAD plugin support
⊠a certain player is attacking?
Ah, I didnât read it, but itâs something quick through plugins, has been done before!
Example: Target Support ("JellyBitz" as leader)
from phBot import *
import QtBind
pName = 'xSupport'
# globals
character_data = get_character_data()
# Initializing GUI
gui = QtBind.init(__name__,pName)
cbxEnabled = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui,'checkbox_clicked','Enable '+pName+' plugin',21,13)
# All packets received from Silkroad will be passed to this function
# Returning True will keep the packet and False will not forward it to the game server
def handle_joymax(opcode, data):
if opcode == 0xB070 and QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxEnableAttackSupport): # Object Action & Enabled AttackSupport
if data[0] == 1: # Success
if data[1] == 2: # Type. 0: Buff - 2: Attack
AttackerID = struct.unpack_from("<I",data,7)[0]
TargetID = struct.unpack_from("<I",data,15)[0]
# Ensure is not a Buff
if AttackerID != TargetID:
# Check the nickname from attacker
if getNickname(AttackerID) == "JellyBitz":
# Return Nick of player from ID only if is near
def getNickname(UniqueID):
# Load all near players
# players = get_players() << obsolete >>
players = get_party()
# Checking if UID is mine
if PlayerID == character_data['player_id']:
return character_data['name']
# Check the UID with all players
if players:
for key, player in players.items():
if key == PlayerID:
return player['name']
return ""
# Inject Packet - Select Target
def Inject_SelectTarget(targetUID):
packet = bytearray()
packet = packet + struct.pack('<I',targetUID)
inject_joymax(0x7045,packet, False)
# Called when the character enters the game world
def joined_game():
global character_data
character_data = get_character_data()
log('Plugin: '+pName+' successfully loaded')
Thanks! for some reason using xSupport it wonât let me connect into the game after a fresh phBot start. When i move the plugin into the plugins folder i get this as error:
[22:56:00] Python Error: name âcbxEnableAttackSupportâ is not defined
And my silkroad client crashes
Was an example really quick, I didnât expect to work.
This could be working as intended (It should be targeting even players).
from phBot import *
import QtBind
import struct
pName = 'xTargetSupport'
pVersion = '0.0.1'
#pUrl = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JellyBitz/phBot-xPlugins/master/xTargetSupport.py'
# The player nickname has to be in your party to work
# globals
character_data = get_character_data() # RELOAD support
# Initializing GUI
gui = QtBind.init(__name__,pName)
cbxEnabled = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui,'cbxDoNothing','Enabled',6,10)
# All packets received from Silkroad will be passed to this function
# Returning True will keep the packet and False will not forward it to the game server
def handle_joymax(opcode, data):
# Object skill action & Enabled xTargetSupport
if opcode == 0xB070 and QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxEnabled):
# Success
if data[0] == 1:
# Type: Attack = 2
if data[1] == 2:
AttackerID = struct.unpack_from("<I",data,7)[0]
TargetID = struct.unpack_from("<I",data,15)[0]
# Ensure is not a Buff
if AttackerID != TargetID:
# Check the nickname from attacker
if getNickname(AttackerID) == PARTY_LEADER_NICKNAME:
return True
# Return Nick of player from ID only if is near
def getNickname(UniqueID):
# Load all near players
# players = get_players() << obsolete >>
players = get_party()
# Checking if UID is mine
if UniqueID == character_data['player_id']:
return character_data['name']
# Check the UID with all players
if players:
for key, player in players.items():
if key == UniqueID:
return player['name']
return ""
# Inject Packet - Select Target
def Inject_SelectTarget(targetUID):
packet = bytearray()
packet = packet + struct.pack('<I',targetUID)
inject_joymax(0x7045,packet, False)
# Called when the character enters the game world
def joined_game():
global character_data
character_data = get_character_data()
# Plugin load success
log('Plugin: '+pName+' v'+pVersion+' successfully loaded')
phBot recently is crashing on overloaded packet stuffs, maybe a lock over there, like âuntick a checkbox while is being checkedâ, happen me frequently on xPacketTool.
The problem still continues. After installing the plugin, phbot does not connect to the server.
Same for me
Right, I fix it. Mistakes by copy and paste stuffs you know.
Its not an official release yet, JellyBlitz decides on what he wantâs to do with it. Therefor there is no updates or URLâs yet.
Edit: Would be better to have this as a bot function rather than a plugin (imo).
Do I have to change JellyBitz @ .py to my charname?
Imgur: The magic of the Internet Is this what the plugin looks like?
Isnât there a little irregular issue? What is going on here
this is xmobselector. I was asking about xtargetsupport.
xTargetSupport does not work. JellyBlitz has done nothing on it yet.
The function of xTargetSupport is to attack the same monster/person a user is attacking.
This would rather be functional in the party settings in phBot itself than as a plugin.
The use for this would be:
ksâing other partyâs in the same training spot. (attack the same monster a specific party member is attacking)
prioritising a mob a party member is attacking (for example your warlock is attacking a giant party. all your wizards would target support him rather than attacking general partyâs/champ partyâs around them.)
easily target enemies in fortress war with party leader (maybe a hotkey function)
This is a visual idea of what i mean
If youâre botting. It will attack the same monster the named player is attacking.
If youâre not botting. It will select the same monster the named player is attacking/selecting.
All of this above can be done with target support. Its a hotkey in SRO itself.
@Ryan thoughts/ideaâs/possibilities?
On the subject, not Ryan, I think Jelly Bitz is more active, I think he will edit and publish soon.
Really interesting! It would be so helpful. Waiting whether someone could implement this.
Totally forgot about this. @Ryan ideas, thoughts & possibilities?