Suggestion: Add some account's information

1- Show if the bot is CL or Normal Client
2- Show the account level
3- Show percentage of experience
4- add tools for copy setting ( Pick Filter ) from One account to Party one Time
( if i want sell Some Item from all pt i goto all pt bot and chinge this one by one)

i think this is easy with you u can help and accept this suggstion ?

thank you

up , any one can answer ?

4- add tools for copy setting ( Pick Filter ) from One account to Party one Time
( if i want sell Some Item from all pt i goto all pt bot and chinge this one by one)
i find this on manager :sweat_smile: so can delete this from list

You can also find the level and exp on the stats page so it seems your suggestion is to show the client status only

i need show all information for part one time i not need to select one by one for check what is state

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