Some fixes are needed. Please

Hello @Ryan
I think we need a wise action here
How to set Chat conditions (party-union-guild) stop spamming while using it? I think we need to a delay(seconds) option between every sent message.
Also why there is no option for private chat condition rather than using a custom code? I think its very useful.
This was the 1st solution that failed for me. Cuz of those conditions are lacking options.

Then i tried to use a custom code with (time.sleep) like this:

from phBot import *
import phBotChat
import time

player = 'charname'

def player_spawn():
	global player
	if len(player) > 0:
		phBotChat.Private(player, 'message')

log('[%s] Loaded' % __name__)

When using it while botting, The bot stops attacking mobs. Cuz of sleep time.
So whats is the best way to do this?

After that, I tried to use (Wait) in conditions.
like this


The same issue is here. The bot waits for the Wait time so it doesnt attack mobs.

So those three ways ive tried above are not satisfying.

So the conclusion is:
1- Chat conditions needs an option to delay messages. Also adding a private chat option.
2- Sleep.time or Wait - used in condition needs to be fixed anyway so the bot handle and runs it smoothly while botting without stopping char attacks.

I really appreciate ur work. I really mean it. :saluting_face:
And im sorry if my way of talking is not decent as it should be.
Thanks in advance.

You can select multiple “thens”. The way you’re currently trying to do it will not work.

How to select multiple “thens”?
I tried but when i use “wait” it asks me to build the condition.
Could u assist me please?

And what about the continuous spam when using “chat condition” without a delay between each sent message?

Also freezing char attack while running the condtion with “wait”?

Thanks in advance.

Hold down CTRL while you select items in the THEN column. It’s freezing because you’re using time.sleep in your Python code. You should change it to see if 10s has passed since the last time it sent a message.


This “Wait” condition freezes the char to continue the condition.
Why would this “Wait” have to stop attacks?
Have u tried it please?

You’re still calling the function with sleep in it…

Ok lets forget all of this.Im a noob.
How to set the “chat party” condition to send a message every “x” second instead of spamming in party chat?

Use time elapsed.


This is what i did. Nothing happen…
If im doing it wrong then whats the right way please?

You probably need >= 10. It resets after it becomes true.

Yes it worked
Its kinda weird when it resets
But anyway its working
Thank you very much. I really appreciate ur help.

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