Socket address not available error

[00:42:07] Socket address not available error
[00:42:07] Auto Relog: Starting relog process
[00:42:07] Clientless: Retrying in 30 seconds

I have this problem i cant log.

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Did you accidentally specify a bind IP? Remove the BindIP field insite phBot.ini.

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Good morning, the bot work, but the problem is the manager.

This is with only bot and work
[05:57:11] Welcome to phBot v21.7.4
[05:57:11] Updates will be posted at /
[05:57:11] Twitter:
[05:57:11] Facebook:
[05:57:13] Login successful
[05:57:13] You have 19 days left for iSRO/SilkroadR/vSRO/cSRO SilkroadR
[05:57:13] [AutoDestroyv3] Loaded ByZakio
[05:57:13] [CrearCuenta] Loaded
[05:57:13] Succesfully loaded [Forgotten World].
[05:57:13] [MakeStoneV2] Loaded ByZakio
[05:57:13] Succesfully loaded [Party Command].
[05:57:13] [Plugins]RespuestaAutomatica Cargada
[05:57:13] ByZakio
[05:57:13] Plugins: xAutoConfig loaded
[05:57:14] Succesfully loaded [xPackets].
[05:57:21] Data load status: 100%
[05:57:54] Connecting to the gateway server []
[05:57:54] Connected
[05:57:54] Server capacity [Alfa] [62.2%]
[05:57:59] Login: Sending login credentials
[05:58:00] Captcha: Success
[05:58:00] Connecting to the agent server []
[05:58:00] Connected
[05:58:01] Selecting VMware
[05:58:06] Character successfully joined the game
[05:58:06] Pick Filter: Loaded
[05:58:06] Quest: Loaded
[05:58:06] Town: Loaded
[05:58:06] Stall: Loaded

Can you help me!
the manager has problem.

I don’t understand the problem. Did you accidentally set a proxy?

I was using proxy but I do not use it anymore, even download the new manager but it still gives the same problem.

Did you change it in the Manager?

Yes i do!

It sounds like you have the BindIP field set like I said earlier. I see no reason why it would not work.

[17:22:17] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying

[17:22:18] Connecting to the agent server []

[17:22:20] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying

[17:22:21] Connecting to the agent server []

[17:22:21] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying

[17:22:22] Connecting to the agent server [

I’m getting such an error. Can you help

Probably an issue with their server.

socket address not available error

1 Like

I have same problem.In addition to this ı can not solve that.I tried many things to fix it ,but ı couldn’t success such as microsoft socket res. etc.
What should ı do?In my opinion,its reason proxy adresses.When ı used some ıp & port ,bot sent me this error.

I have the same problem and bind IP is empty, I don’t have any proxy… I’m playing private server and the problem is in manager