[00:42:07] Socket address not available error
[00:42:07] Auto Relog: Starting relog process
[00:42:07] Clientless: Retrying in 30 seconds
I have this problem i cant log.
[00:42:07] Socket address not available error
[00:42:07] Auto Relog: Starting relog process
[00:42:07] Clientless: Retrying in 30 seconds
I have this problem i cant log.
Did you accidentally specify a bind IP? Remove the BindIP
field insite phBot.ini
Good morning, the bot work, but the problem is the manager.
This is with only bot and work
[05:57:11] Welcome to phBot v21.7.4
[05:57:11] Updates will be posted at ProjectHax.com / phBot.org
[05:57:11] Twitter: twitter.com/projecthax
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[05:57:13] Login successful
[05:57:13] You have 19 days left for iSRO/SilkroadR/vSRO/cSRO SilkroadR
[05:57:13] [AutoDestroyv3] Loaded ByZakio
[05:57:13] [CrearCuenta] Loaded
[05:57:13] Succesfully loaded [Forgotten World].
[05:57:13] [MakeStoneV2] Loaded ByZakio
[05:57:13] Succesfully loaded [Party Command].
[05:57:13] [Plugins]RespuestaAutomatica Cargada
[05:57:13] ByZakio
[05:57:13] Plugins: xAutoConfig loaded
[05:57:14] Succesfully loaded [xPackets].
[05:57:21] Data load status: 100%
[05:57:54] Connecting to the gateway server [loginsrl.com:15779]
[05:57:54] Connected
[05:57:54] Server capacity [Alfa] [62.2%]
[05:57:59] Login: Sending login credentials
[05:58:00] Captcha: Success
[05:58:00] Connecting to the agent server []
[05:58:00] Connected
[05:58:01] Selecting VMware
[05:58:06] Character successfully joined the game
[05:58:06] Pick Filter: Loaded
[05:58:06] Quest: Loaded
[05:58:06] Town: Loaded
[05:58:06] Stall: Loaded
Can you help me!
the manager has problem.
I don’t understand the problem. Did you accidentally set a proxy?
I was using proxy but I do not use it anymore, even download the new manager but it still gives the same problem.
Did you change it in the Manager?
It sounds like you have the BindIP
field set like I said earlier. I see no reason why it would not work.
[17:22:17] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying
[17:22:18] Connecting to the agent server []
[17:22:20] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying
[17:22:21] Connecting to the agent server []
[17:22:21] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying
[17:22:22] Connecting to the agent server [
I’m getting such an error. Can you help
Probably an issue with their server.
socket address not available error
I have same problem.In addition to this ı can not solve that.I tried many things to fix it ,but ı couldn’t success such as microsoft socket res. etc.
What should ı do?In my opinion,its reason proxy adresses.When ı used some ıp & port ,bot sent me this error.
I have the same problem and bind IP is empty, I don’t have any proxy… I’m playing private server and the problem is in manager