
Delirus, my friend is the virtual windows I have created in the main windows. Can I use the ip address as a proxy in the main windows. I realize you sound a little silly. Do you have a suggestion.

I’m sorry, but I dont understand you. Could you try to explain a bit more

**So, can we use the IP address of the virtual machine we created on the computer as a proxy on the host machine? Will PHBOT have hwid limitation on virtual machine?

Yes, phBot will treat a virtual machine as a different computer so you will use a phBot HWID for this VM. As far as I know.

The gameclient HWID will be the same as your main PC(the machine where you start the sro_client.exe) so you cant avoid any HWID limitations with this method.

Yes you can use this tool kinda as a proxy, the IP addess will be from your virtual machine if you configure it like this.

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thx for the answer.

@Delirus is this only working for VSro Servers or could I use this for Isro or TRsro?

I’ve never tested it but I would guess it will not work. Have no clue about packet structure on this server types

Hello @Delirus, can you make the necessary update for it to work on TRSRO with the current phbot? I can pay for this update. I want to connect to phbot client running on windows vds via local computer

Seems not doable with current phBot. Seems there is a difference in reading the .db3 version from private-server and trsro. I would guess its get loaded when you push “Launch” or “Login”.
Or I’m just stupid right now lol

(launching trsro from phBot works fine)

But as far as I’ve seen you can login clientlessly on trsro normally. So you should be able to bot on a vps without problems

So some more testing later, yeah the version definitely doesnt get load beforehand. After interfering the connection between phBot and server and correct the version its working fine :smiley:
Oh and a simple change of the redirect opcode 0xA102 → 0xA10A

i have this problem always
im added IPV4 for my vps and always get this error

Seems you didnt edit the configs properly. Check the example pictures in my first post

Github repository updated…

-Add NetworkSettings form to simplify configuration
-Add support for TRSRO (will not work until next phBot update)
-Add TRSRO Clientless -> Client
Example video

RemoteBotConnector v3 - Updated for TRSRO - YouTube

not working with new bot version. @Ryan @Delirus

I dont know what kind of issue you might get, but seems to work fine for me or is it something TRSRO related?

Yes I was using (TRSRO) it before but it doesn’t work in the new version

TRSRO seems to work fine for me, are you sure you checked your firewall and your IP address is not blocked by the gateway server? What kind of issue do you have exactly?


At all i understand:

  1. Need a vserver with sro and the bot prepared.
  2. I will start the client on my main pc and then go cl in the vserver.


Is it working for pserver also?

When I have a pserver with hwid, i can connect 2 chars of 1 home pc to remote pc. And also with proxy 2 chars on 2. Home pc? So at all 4 chars in the vserver with two different hwid?

Thank you


Its currently working for vSro pservers, TRSRO, ISRO(theoretically) you would have to redirect the IP your own.

So if your pserver is VSRO based, most servers are, then this tool will work for you.
It doesnt have to be exclusively a vserver, but a VPS is good for 24/7 connection without getting a DC but you could do this on any X86 windows computer you have.

The HWID will get generated where you start your sro_client.exe there is a injected DLL thata will generate it and send it to the gameserver.

The IP the gameserver gets will send from where you will start the phBot. So you only have to use proxys or other methods to change your IP if you reach the IP limit of the server there.

Yes, lets assume your SROServer allowes 2 HWID per PC, so you could start 2 Clients on PC1 and 2 Client on PC2 and connect them to phBot on a VPS that will send 4x IP to the server.

Hello. Thanks for sharing. Still working on TRSRO ?
I have two computers in my house. I open my bots in one, and I do my daily work in the other. I connect to the computer on which I open the bots with the remote desktop from the internal IP address of and after running the program on this computer and choosing the IP that is .115, I changed the ports to 2040 and 2041. I gave TCP/UDP permission from the firewall.
When I wanted to open my char there from the second computer with internal IP address .103, I could not succeed. I entered the IP address of in the edx loader
Would you help me with this ?

@Delirus @Ryan
it’s not connecting for me, whats the issue??

attached a screenshot