hi, out of nowhere the manager closed my Turk Sro clients, and when i started them again it gives me this error “TRSRO.db3 needs to be updated” and then it closes again, i downloaded and reinstalled phbot testing, manager, i imported Json file from another pc where its working normally, what do i do?
You must open the bot without the Manager so it can update the database.
already did, but as soon as it updates by 80% it closes
Delete db3 and restart phbot to rebuild.
nothing, it didnt work =(
Ask a friend for a copy then it’s working.
i have a working phbot and manager that are working at my home pc, i already copied all the files to my office pc and still doesnt work, the issue is just with TR sro, i have it working good with 2 more priv servers, dont know what to do, i only bought phbot for turk silkroad =(
are u sure that u closed all opened Phbot ?
cuz if there is 1 phbot tht opened … while u are trying to update the database …
it will prevent it from updating
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