[Plugin] xControl

There is not “RETURN” … Maybe “USERETURN” :face_with_raised_eyebrow: ?

write RETURN ‘’ Plugin: Using ‘‘Special Return Scroll’’ but not use.
the USERETURN is not work.

Right, server?

joysro hazar, private server.

@cebralig Çalışıyor yapmak istediğini anlatırsan yardımcı olabilirim.
I can help if you tell me what you want to do.

@NsyL Nasıl çalışıyor abi çalışmıyor bende ? yapmak istediğim şey clientsizdeyken konut sonunda return çektirmek, komutta da elimde de denesem çalışmıyor ?

I get this warning in the game.


It also writes in the bot screen.


not working ! @NsyL @JellyBitz

Hmm… private server :sleepy:

My intention is not support private servers. It’s free source, you could fix that easily anyway!

how can i do it, can you tell me the way.

try this…

# Inject Packet (Use return scroll)
def inject_useReturnScroll():
	items = get_inventory()['items']
	for slot, item in enumerate(items):
		if item:
			if item['name'] == 'Return Scroll' or item['name'] == 'Special Return Scroll' or item['name'] == 'Token Return Scroll' or item['name'] == 'Beginner instant recall scroll' or item['name'] == 'Instant Return Scroll':
				Packet = bytearray()
				Packet.append(slot) # Inventory slot
				Packet.append(0x09) # RETURN SCROLL ID = 0x0103
				inject_joymax(0x704C, Packet, True)				
				log('Plugin: Using "'+item['name']+'" ')
				return True
	log('Plugin: "Return Scroll" not found at your inventory')
	return False

can we atack the goal of the party leader target ?
Isn’t it simple? because the game has ‘‘target support’’ option.
I’ve seen someone using this style. He was using skill at the same time. How do you think he did it?

What do you mean? there is nothing about attack :face_with_monocle:

Why this kind questions all time? If you want something like, start by creating your own packet filter aka bot in a few words, doing an auto attacker will be the easy part :sleepy:

I mean, if you are a phBot user, forget about this! :neutral_face:


Teleportation help :frowning:
I want to go from Alex South Harbor to Droa Dock.
but I couldn’t figure it out, where am I doing wrong :frowning:

Fixed once for all …
If your teleports have spaces between his name, just try to use a comma (,) as separator.

Check & download the lastest version from GitHub.

If you don’t know some teleport name, try to use this tool.

Hey i have a question is it possible to make chars auto accept exchange /accept ( by chat command ) from leader also.


Could be cool but needs to implement all the exchange process and thats a bit hard :slight_smile:

Hello I’m using this amazing plugin XControl in fgw.
It really would be nice if I could do something like that.

Can such a feature be added?
only if I see the insert code. I can handle more.

for example;
write SCREEN #Player? ‘’ Plugin: Using ‘‘Mag. Phy Fence’’
write BLESS ‘’ Plugin: Using ‘‘Bless Spell’’
write INTERGRITY ‘’ Plugin: Using ‘‘Intergrity’’
why do I want something like this, When you set it over the bot, Phbot is using as long as the waiting period expires.
this is not strategic at all. :frowning:


@paffieroken Accept exchange & confirm/approve can be easily done using commands but doing automatically it’s not a good idea (Also would be only possible if the character is on party). Anyway, I’ll need time to check that.

@ahmetberkay Only one variable reading exchanger state
( none / exchange / confirmed / approved. canceled counts as none )

@oxer Sounds like a nice plugin for FortressWar, but using skills on target(s) it’s not possible through plugins!