Are you using v0.2.5 ? Can you see something at logs? Because It was tested and is working just fine… You shouldn’t delete the configs after join to the game and this plugin doesn’t work with “Reload” button.
Also “Default.db3” it’s case sensitive (python stuffs)
Is not an error, it’s saying Default.db3 will be loaded …
Should work, if not then phBot it’s taking longer than 10 seconds creating the empty Filter as result can generate bugs at database Filter and/or not load correctly the Default one.
Check code, there is a 10.0 Timer, increase to your necessities.
@JellyBitz is it posible to set more defauft configs for diffrent servers like i have it now for a 110 cap server but i play a 90cap server to so is it posible to save both defauft config
if not can u make it selectable in the plugin what fils should be the defaut files for each type
you make 1 .json file with all the setting … then you go to the config-folder and rename the .json to Default.json now every new char that you login you can select in the auto config tap the default profile … and you have all the settings