[Plugin] JellyDix

Thanks for your attention :slight_smile: All members of the forum.

i have a problem.

[19:24:31] Plugin: Error loading url [<urlopen error [WinError 10061] Hedef makine etkin olarak reddettiğinden bağlantı kurulamadı>] to Notify

Plugin: Error loading url [<urlopen error [WinError 10054] Varolan bir bağlantı uzaktaki bir ana bilgisayar tarafından zorla kapatıldı>] to Notify

can you help me?thanks.

olan buydu

Still waiting for solution…

For everyone who got the “Certificate has expired _ssl.c:1108” error, I’ve figured out a fix as follow:

  • Run “Internet Explorer” with “Run as Administrator”
  • go to https://jellydix.ddns.net/
  • in the address bar, at the far right corner, click on the lock icon
  • CLick “View Certificates”
  • Click “Install certificates”
    you can install on either local machine or current user.
    it’s done.

Phbot Screenshot by Lightshot
There is no lock icon in the far right corner. Screenshot by Lightshot
When I use VPN in the Opera app, I can login to the site. Screenshot by Lightshot
I get an error when I turn off the VPN. Screenshot by Lightshot

It seems your internet provider / wifi router has blocked the ddns domains name hence, you cant connect to Jellydix hosting
Try using the application to bypass the block and see if it works


not working bro, any other solutions ?

@JellyBitz Hi,
Many users like me are getting an error, what can we do about it?

[19:44:55] Plugin: Error loading url [<urlopen error [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed>] to Notify

Why is this version not compatible with Jellydix server? In this way, we can create a bot ourselves even if the jellydix bot is not online. @JellyBitz

Many people from Turkey cannot use the plugin.

Hi sir, I am getting error with jellydix.

I am getting error with jellydix

[20:05:42] Plugin: Error loading url [<urlopen error [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed>] to Notify

I will do update JellyDix TR for Turkish ppl…

Beyler uzun zamandır ilgilenemiyordum. güncelleme bir kaç güne gelecek

+1… https://jellydix.ddns.net blocked from Turkey. i will try a few methods

+1 https://jellydix.ddns.net Türkiyede yasaklı siteler listesine eklenmiş API sunucusuna bağlanmadığı için kullanamıyorsunuz beyler. giriş yöntemi arıycam bulunca paylaşıcam

update avaible for tr ppl.

Türk oyuncular için güncelleme hazır updaterdan çekebilirsiniz.

[00:23:40] Plugin: Error loading url [<urlopen error [WinError 10054] Varolan bir bağlantı uzaktaki bir ana bilgisayar tarafından zorla kapatıldı>] to Notify

[17:41:40] Plugin: URL YUKLEME HATASI: [<urlopen error [WinError 10054] Varolan bir bağlantı uzaktaki bir ana bilgisayar tarafından zorla kapatıldı>]

aynı hatayı bende de veriyor. @MrWarlock

Find a solution now. We can’t connect from Turkey. you rocked it well.


JellyDix is offline :frowning:

wake up mamoş :frowning: