

So first of all, let me introduce myself a bit. I’m Mark, a 26 years old fullstack programmer, have a CS degree from a local university. I’ve been working in software development since ~2018, mainly using Java (Spring Boot and Quarkus) for backend and Angular / Vue.js for frontend.

The problem I’m trying to solve with this plugin is to be able to monitor (or later control) the phBot client via a web application, so if you are not home, or not near your computer, you just open up a webpage (which will be mobile friendly, obviously) and see (or later control, as I mentioned above) everything about your character.

I’m still developing this plugin, so it’s like a v 0.01 pre alpha stuff, but the reason I’m writing this post is to ask the developers here (@Ryan?) to whitelist this plugin, so I can develop it while playing on TRSRO. I don’t want to get into why I can’t use only for myself, a plugin that I wrote on this server, I’m sure this has been brought up enough times here, I’m just asking to whitelist this plugin, so I can start developing the frontend app for it, without having to log in to iSro (the queues are damn annoying)

The long goal of this plugin is to be able to control / monitor your bot via a webapp (which I’m gonna host if everything checks, so anyone will be able to use it for free + the source code of the plugin + client will be hosted on github so anyone can take a look that I’m not stealing their data lol), from wherever you are, so it can come pretty handy, mainly because the Mobile app plugin (SROMC?) is not really available for iOS, and don’t think that it’s maintained at all (sadly) - but to be able to do all this, I need this plugin to be whitelisted so I can start developing the frontend.

Thanks in advance,

edit: yeah of course, I forgot to paste the link to the github repo haha, here it is (it’s pretty basic so far)


Done. Sounds like a cool idea.

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thanks, I’m not promising anything tho, cuz it’s a pretty big project, but at least now I can start working on it in my free time :slight_smile:

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I had to update the code (I’m pretty new to python / flask, so made a small error, had to change the to expose the host), will it be automatically whitelisted, or do I have to wait for you to whitelist it again?
Thanks in advance

If anyone is interested, so far it looks like this, basic data can be viewed via a web browser:

Yes I would have to whitelist it again. I can’t do it at the moment.

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Aight thanks, take your time :slight_smile:

hey @Ryan, don’t really wanna bother you, but could you estimate when are you gonna be able to whitelist my plugin again?


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