phBot Stats Website

Hello phbot community!

I have seen some good addons and plugins going on here in this community - so I wanted to share this little website I have built as well: is a ultra lightweight, very basic and easy to use web application to check the stats of your currently running phbot instances. Hence, it works on every device offering browsers.

Just register (please do NOT use phbot login credentials OR Silkroad login credentials), login, enable the HTTP feature the phbot manager provides and copy’n’paste your personal link in the URI field of the manager. There is a limit of 3 requests per minute. So set an upload intervall of 20.000ms (20 seconds). That’s it.

It’s just a simple reporting of your phbot stats - e.g. experience, SP, gold etc. of your characters. When enabling this feature the bot is NOT sending any security critical data like login credentials. There is a refresh every hour. If your phbot manager is not sending any data anymore, your stats are vanished forever. There is NO interaction with the system the bots are actually running on. There is just one way of dataflow. If your bot stucks, you gotta fix it manually :wink:

Tested with phbot Manager 2.1.3.

Enjoy and cheers,

Gj :slight_smile:
i make something like this for discord :slight_smile:
u also can add for this time to lvl :stuck_out_tongue:

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