Phbot consi̇gment help

I want to copy the consignment settings of 1 character from the Ph bot files and integrate them into my other characters. Namely, I am playing TR SRO and the elixir and stone market in the game is constantly changing and after the city cycle you have made automatically, they sell items on consignment every time the chars come to the city. but sometimes it takes a long time to correct consignment prices as this market sometimes falls. Can I do this, for example, using the copy paste method from within the Ph bot file?
At the same time, although the settings of the chars to put the item on the consignment are the same, some chars leave the consignment without putting them on the consignment or, let’s say, only 2 items on the consignment, and putting the elixir etc. to the other areas, even though there are only a lot of elixirs with 20 rows on them.
I couldn’t figure it out any way.
i need your help.

Ph bot dosylarının içinden 1 karaktere ait konsinyeye item koyma ayarlarını kopyalayıp diğer karakterlerime entegre etmek istiyorum. Şöyle ki ben TR SRO oynuyorum ve oyun içindeki elixir ve stone piyasası sürekli değişiyor ve benimde otomatik olarak yapmış olduğun şehir döngüsü sonrası konsinyeye item satışı yapıyor charlar her şehre gelişinde. fakat bazen bu piyasa bazen düştüğü için konsinye fiyatlarını düzeltme yapmak uzunca zaman alıyor. Bunu örneğin Ph bot dosyası içinden kopyala yapıştır yöntemiyle yapabilir miyim ?

Aynı zamanda charların konsınyeye ıtem koyma ayarları aynı olmasına ragmen bazı charlar ornegın sadece uzerınde 20 serlı elıxırlerden bır suru olmasına ragmen konsınyeye koymadan yada konsınyede dıyelımde sadece 2 tane urun koyup dıger alanlara satıs ıcın elixir vs koymadan cıkıyor konsınyeden.
bunu bır turlu cozemedım.
yardımlarınıza ıhtıyacım var.

Copy json rename it to ur server_charactername.json

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Excuse me, can you describe the exact place you mentioned? I couldnt find it

@Ryan helpme bro

If you want to copy a config to another character you can do so by going into the “Config” folder and copying the .json file of the current character and renaming the new file to the new character name. To copy the pick filter, stall, and other settings do this to the .db3 file.

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Maybe 10 maybe 10 jsons belonging to 1 character. file exists, which one should I copy?

No there’s only going to be one unless you’ve made different profiles for that char or you’re looking at the backup files.

Look for the one that’s just servername_charname.json

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Although I just made all the settings, the bot only put the magic stone and attribute stones on the consignment. But he didn’t put the elixirs even though he had the elixir on it. This is my main question and problem. If we can find a solution to this, many of my friends like me are having this problem.

Did you copy the .db3 file as well as i mentioned above?

Youll also need to reload the bot for the settings to be applied.

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