phBot - Automated Three Moon Event

Hello ProjectHax Community!
Today I will share the scripts I have prepared to make the three moon event automatic

This topic only english, in turkish; phBot - Three Moon Etkinliğini Otomatik Yaptırmak

In the Protection > Return section of your bot, you should set the “Return before the next hour” option to 10.


Game system gives Moon Pot 10 minutes before the end of each hour.
You must have Moon Gem and Moon Pot in this event, otherwise you can not break the event.
In order for your bot to constantly return to the town and get Moon Pot, you must add the code to your town script as shown in the image

Example Donwhang

You will draw coordinates up to the Event So-Ok npcs of whatever city you use constantly, add the code and organize it according to yourself.

Auto Town Scripts

These scripts are only for mass event item crushing

In order to use auto town scripts, you need to download and replace it with the original town script.
You also need to edit the name, for example, if Baghdad - Three Moon eng is Baghdad, correct it to Baghdad and put it in the phbot town folder.
Whatever name phBot accepts, pay attention to it when editing city names.

In order for your bot to use ready-made scripts continuously, you need to check the option to continue the town cycle in the training area > script section.

Event Codes

quest,Event So-Ok,Moon Pot Giveaway
quest,Event So-Ok,Moon Gem Reward
quest,Event So-Ok,Exchange the Red Moon’s Pieces.
quest,Event So-Ok,Exchange the Black Moon’s Pieces.

Event Town Scripts

Alexandria (South) Alexandria South - Three Moon English
Baghdad - Baghdad - Three Moon English
Constantinople - Constantinople - Three Moon English
Samarkand - Samarkand - Three Moon English
Jangan - Jangan - Three Moon English
Donwhang - Donwhang - Three Moon Event
Hotan - Hotan - Three Moon English