phBot 23.2.1 Delay while storing items

Hi @Ryan,

I noticed that the bot needs about 1.5 minutes per item, while trying to store them, if the storage is full.
This leads to the bot being idle in town for a good amount of time, even with a lower number of items being tried to store.

Any chance that you could implement a feature like “if storage is full, skip storing items” or narrow down the delay to a few seconds?

Thank you in advance!



What is your latency to the server? It is waiting for the server to respond that the item was stored.

Ping is ~100 and no other lags of any kind appearing (no proxy used either).
Tried it with the storage having slots free (store time approx 0.5-1s per item)
Tried it with storage being full (store time approx 80-90s per item)

That’s the issue then. Storage is full. I will fix that for the next version.

Thank you for your kind and fast support, appreciate!

