oto jop suit isnt work

Characters do not automatically wear jop suit. I make a new profile and wear jop suıt but ı isnt . ı am hunter my frıend is thief and he done it

Show your conditions for equipping a job suit.

We tried all of these conditions. none of them worked .We tried them all one by one. Same thing happened to my friend, no problem. he is thief.My friend also worked on the 1st row. ı am hunter

Whats your bot version?

Cant read turkish, maybe you can get help in the turkish discord channel.

ıt is ıf you in town wear jop suıt
ıf ın dowhang wear jop suit

can you tel me lınk for dc adres

Whats your bot version?


You need to update, you should always make sure you have the latest version before posting errors. This was fixed in 27.4.5

ı wıll try thnx

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