Official vSRO-3Job Server

Is there a way to use the phBot on the official Vsro Server?
Or could you please add support for that Server?

Yes, use the testing release and add it as a private server.

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Works, thank you!

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hey, i am unable to bypass the xtrap after launched the game. Is there a tutorial on this? There wasn’t an option in the setting to check for the xtrap. I have the testing versiion and created Vsro as a private server.

It does not bypass X-Trap. It is launched in a separate client through CrapTrap. This is all automatic.

Thank you not sure what it means but I have someone looked into it and we had to reinstalled different win versions and disabled the boot security in bios in order to make it work without having to create another user and run the game through than secondary user. I hope this information help the next users experience.

I am so sorry fellas, I have a question but its not related to this topic.
I live in Australia and I always have high ping in USA & EU servers.
Im looking for some fellas to play in VSRO Official servers. I have 95 lv char there but I couldnt find any english speaker :frowning:
Have you guys already started there? Can I join you guys if you would like to speak english please? @daydate @raiallen
Edit: I dont need any help guys, just need some fellas to play with.

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Hey, yeah I live in Canada, but from Vietnam and currently playing Vsro. Feel free to connect with me via Facebook @raiallen.