No IP error

Need some help with a couple of issues that just started today. I haven’t made any changes, the computer has not been restarted or turned off.

  1. When starting Manager I get, “DNS Error” “Failed to resolve, are your DNS server working?”
    After this the bot opens.
    2)When starting Bot Testing ver.27.1.8 I get,
    “[18:02:20] Authentication: No authentication server IP addresses could be found
    [18:02:24] Login successful
    [18:02:24] You have 155 days left for iSRO/SilkroadR/vSRO/cSRO SilkroadR”
    Is this just happening to me? Can someone help me resolve it please?

Change your DNS servers

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sorry for beeing a noob here but how can i do that?

Seems like your DNS is not functioning at all.

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Is that the reason some accounts log in and some don’t?

Only one way to find out.

Thank you so much. I had to leave my house for a couple of hours and when I came back it was working fine.

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