Hi @Ryan
İf a char lvl up, char gets 50 Guild Points per lvl up in TRSRO.
Lots of ppl make academy chars 1 lvl to 40 lvl. A char gets 1950 guild points. We donate GP to guild for buy guild items for Fortress War.
You know ppl open academy chars in clientless mode. So when the chars reached 40 lvl, we must go client and donate guild points. This is really waste of time.
So if you can add a option like ‘‘if gp > 49, Auto Donate Guild Points’’ in GUİLD TAB, lots of ppl will be happy :slight_smile:

You should edit the value to use 50, and use a condition like “Level up”

if ( Condition Here ) { Python ( DonateGP_50 ); }

Or making all once like 1950, and use like “Current Level 40 AND Level up”

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thx for answer.
i read past topic before open this topic.
the problem is in TRSRO guild points and skill points are different. we cant donate skill points for GUİLD.

There is no problem, trSRO use the same method.

I mean… it will work if you add a defined amount DonateGP_100.
The provided example uses the current SP available if you specify DonateGP_All.

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i tried but i could not success :frowning:

Jelly we are not a programmer like u bro, can u explaing that to tell for monkeys or retards :smiley:

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Eklentiyi bende kullanıyorum. Gayet güzel çalışıyor tr silkroadda. Yapmanız gereken eklenti dosyasıni 40 levelde 1950 gp vermeye ayarlamak ( dosya içine girdiğiniz zaman rakamları değişeceksiniz sadece ) daha sonra plugins klasörüne atıp koşul oluşturmak örnek olarak : Seviye - 40 - Pyton ( gelen minik ekrana) DonateGP_1950 yazıp kaydedin. 40 level olunca 1950 gp olduğu an bağış yapacaktır. Yanlız dikkat edin 1 levelde guilde almazsaniz 40 da bağış yapmayabilir. 1950 gp olmayacağı için.


verdiğin bilgiler işe yaradı, yaptım çok çok teşekkürler :slight_smile:

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bu arada 40 lvl olunca değil de EXP% 1’den fazlaysa 50 GP bağışla diye ayarladım. her levelde 50 gp bağışlıyor.

in Trsro u dont donate sp. u donate Gp. idk if they changed in Isro too

does not matter, the process of donating is the same, so plugin or the code will just work fine as long as you trigger it successfully.

import phBot
import struct

Check if has SP to donate to the guild

def DonateGP(quantity=None):
# If quantity it’s not specified, donate all the SP
if quantity == None:
quantity = phBot.get_character_data()[‘sp’]
if quantity == 0:

phBot.inject_joymax(0x7258,struct.pack('I', quantity),False)

Donate by using conditions

def DonateGP_50():

Donate by using conditions

def DonateGP_50():
if ( … ) { Python ( DonateGP_50 ); }

Ben bu şekilde ayarladım ve Phthn a DanateGP_50 yazıyorum.

from phBot import *
import QtBind

def donate50GP():                                                                                     
	log("50 GP bağışlandı.")
	data = bytearray()
	strData = '32 00 00 00'.replace(' ','')
	strDataLen = len(strData)
	for i in range(0,int(strDataLen),2):
	inject_joymax(0x7258, data, False)
def donate100GP():                                                                                     
	log("100 GP bağışlandı.")
	data = bytearray()
	strData = '64 00 00 00'.replace(' ','')
	strDataLen = len(strData)
	for i in range(0,int(strDataLen),2):
	inject_joymax(0x7258, data, False)
def donate500GP():                                                                                     
	log("500 GP bağışlandı.")
	data = bytearray()
	strData = 'F4 01 00 00'.replace(' ','')
	strDataLen = len(strData)
	for i in range(0,int(strDataLen),2):
	inject_joymax(0x7258, data, False)
def donate1000GP():                                                                                     
	log("1000 GP bağışlandı.")
	data = bytearray()
	strData = 'E8 03 00 00'.replace(' ','')
	strDataLen = len(strData)
	for i in range(0,int(strDataLen),2):
	inject_joymax(0x7258, data, False)
def donate1950GP():                                                                                     
	log("1950 GP bağışlandı.")
	data = bytearray()
	strData = '9E 07 00 00'.replace(' ','')
	strDataLen = len(strData)
	for i in range(0,int(strDataLen),2):
	inject_joymax(0x7258, data, False)
def handle_joymax(opcode, data):
	if opcode==0x303D and QtBind.isChecked(gui,chkAutoUp):
	return True
pName = 'DonateGP'
gui = QtBind.init(__name__, 'DonateGP')
QtBind.createLabel(gui, 'Bağışlamak istediğiniz GP miktarını aşağıdan seçiniz.', 10, 20)
btn50 = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'donate50GP', '50 GP Bağışla', 10, 50)
btn100 = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'donate100GP', '100 GP Bağışla', 100, 50)
btn500 = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'donate500GP', '500 GP Bağışla', 200, 50)
btn1950 = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'donate1950GP', '1950 GP Bağışla', 300, 50)
chkAutoUp = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, '', 'Otomatik Her Levelde Ver', 15, 90)

log('Plugin: %s v1.0 Yüklendi' % pName)

merhaba hocam bu plugin TRSRO WHİTELİST 'e ekli mi ?