Monster Condition


I tried to set the condition to change the Profile when attacking Giant monster, but it’s working. Is there anything wrong in my condition?

Maybe try to remove the monster attacking one, i could see that being weird sometimes


I have removed the “Monster attacking”, but it keeps changing the Profile, I just want it to change when the character is attacking the monster. Could you please help me with this?

Your condition on the new profile should be different so it doesn’t keep triggering

No, I meant that I want the profile to change only when the character attacks a specific type of monster (Giant or party monster). However, it keeps changing even when there is no such type of monster around.

In the picture, I have two profiles for Giant and Normal. In the Normal profile, I set a condition to change to the Giant profile when attacking a giant monster. Strangely, it keeps switching to the Giant profile when the character only attacks a normal monster. I manually switch it back to the Normal profile, but then it changes to the Giant profile again.

If you could add the monster type in condition list like "If monster type == “Giant”, it would be great.


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