Login Error for no reason

I can’t log in to my account for an unknown reason, am posting here to find help through admins.
i just bought the subscription and login credentials were sent to me by mail.
whenever i try to log in using them it tells me i don’t have subscription time…
Any help?

Check your PayPal email.

Yes, i assume i missed that.
everything is fine now and worked perfectly.
another question, can i edit ID/PW to a way easier to me?

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It’s randomized and only used to login to the bot. There’s no way to set your own password for it.

One last question, cause i can’t found it.
how to make character pick items just when pet is full?
thanks in advance.

It should do that. You may need to set it to character pick. If it doesn’t work I may need to add that.

Here’s my pick settings, although that, it still pick with character and in some times before the pet even.
both pick together.
faster wins :smiley:pick.png