Last Uptade and Couldn't find NPC Issue

I am a player playing TRSRO. After the last update, we are getting the error “Medicine NPC ID not found” Please send us Log\Error.txt. About 50 people are waiting at the same point in the town because of this error. How can we fix this?

EN:Update bot v27.8.8 and check the option to use low level script in the bot’s town > options and stop and restart the bot and the problem should be solved

TR: Botu v27.8.8’e güncelledikten sonra şehir > seçenekler kısmında düşük seviye şehir scripti kullanma isimli bir seçenek var onu tikleyin ve botu durdurup tekrar başlatın slotuna gidecektir
Ekran görüntüsü 2024-11-21 214703

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I just noticed this while looking at the update notes. The “Fixed using low level town scripts on TRSRO” problem stems from here. In the bot town tab >> options >> "do not use low level town scripts "

it needs to be checked. When checked, the problem is solved.

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Thx for reply

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