Injection issue

hey i got a problem ^^ i wanna open a shop with injection " if i open the shop first time manually it sucess next times"

if i open shop at first with my injection the client goes clientless ^^

def npc_enter():
Packet = b’\xda\x01\x00\x00\x01’
inject_joymax(0x7046, Packet, False)
def anvi():
Packet = b’\xda\x01\x00\x00’
inject_joymax(0x7045, Packet, False)

and a other thing the ID of the npc change at restart " how can i realize this" xda\x01

did you find a solution? I have the same problem, @Ryan please tell us why this happend

The client doesn’t know what you entered so when you buy an item it doesn’t know what to put in your inventory.

The bot switch to clientless when I try to open the NPC, I just want to open it without switch to clientless, nothing else.

Packet = b’\xCD\x01\x00\x00\x0C’

What am I doing wrong?

You likely have the wrong data, i just injected 7046 about 20 times and didnt get clientless.

Try with the thief town NPC, and let me know if am I doing something wrong please

You gotta check the packets…

I already did it, everything is ok, no disconected, just clientless

You can try to inject 7045 first but it really sholdnt be needed.

Having the same issue at the moment. Opcodes are matching too.

Same… Any solutions?