Injecting NPC

How can I send a packet to open a Specialty Trader NPC without entering clientless mode?

Whenever I attempt to inject the packet to open the NPC store directly without first opening and closing the NPC interface, my game instantly transitions into clientless mode.

For example, if I teleport to Hotan and inject the packet near the NPC, it triggers clientless mode.However, if I manually open and then close the NPC interface before injecting the packet, it opens the store without issue.

Additionally, I experimented with injecting the packet and then blocking the returned packet (the store page), which prevented clientless mode but rendered the process ineffective as I need to view the store page. Any insights on how to achieve this without encountering clientless mode?

Here is the packet I tried injecting

0x7046,F1 00 00 00 0C

And this is the packet i blocked to get it to not go into clientless mode

0xB046,01 0C 00

I hope you have any suggestions. Thanks!

You need to reject certain packets that are sent by the server so the client does not crash. You then need to inject a packet to the client telling it that the pet “picked up” an item so it shows up in the pet inventory.

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I have tried rejecting this packet (0xB046) that’s the packet that shows up the shop ui which causes me to crash, then i tried injecting it into my client and it still caused me to crash. I don’t know if that’s what you meant or not but that’s what I have tried.

You can’t send the same packet. You need to inject one that tells the client that the pet picked up an item off the ground. The client is crashing because it does not know which NPC you have entered so when you purchase an item it crashes the game.

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I think you misunderstood me, What i’m trying to achieve here is send a packet to open the shop and just have the shop show up in my screen that’s it i don’t need to send any packets buy or anything. I am sorry for any confusion.

Let me re-explain.

I’m trying to open the shop of NPC named “A” for example so i sent that packet.
0x7046,F1 00 00 00 0C
But whenever i send it i get clientless because of this packet
0xB046,01 0C 00
So I started rejecting that last packet to avoid clientless but now i never see the shop opened (it is actually opened but it just never appears visually if you know what i mean).

That’s not possible. You would have to use the NPC through the client with AutoIt or something.