I need your advice

Automatic configuration : when you return to the level or city
how can I add to the condition
Can go on its own until it goes from 1 to 100level
I want her to use the latest skills

I hope I can explain

I can translate well even in the later hours

There is a script command called “autoconfigure” that you can use. I have someone working on a better Turkish translation.

@NsyL @yakupmx bi bakın la yine anlatamadım ben

Şu otomatik yapılandırmayı sürekli tıklatmak istiyorum belli lv veya şehire gidince hani basınca skilleri skill bara koyuyo ya en son skilleri onu kosula veya nasıl ekleyebılırız dıye çevirirmisiniz

@RyanI couldn’t explain it again, I’ll rewrite it with a better translation


@Ryan subject can be closed

and would you add to the conditions ‘autoconfigure’