I cant write captcha with coding

hi I want to answer the pop op captcha with coding i can write something chat bot cant write to captcha box my server use maxiguard is there any way to make it ? here is my code (python)
merhaba kervanda ki chaptcha yı kod ile cevaplamak istiyorum fakat yazdığım kodu chat vs herhangi bir yere yazı yazabilirken captcha boxa bir şeyler yazmıyor sanırım bir engelleme olabilir yardımcı olabilecek var mı?

from time import sleep
import win32gui, win32ui, win32con, win32api

def main():
window_name = “Window Name Here”
hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(None, window_name)
hwnd = get_inner_windows(hwnd)[‘Edit’]
win = win32ui.CreateWindowFromHandle(hwnd)

win.SendMessage(win32con.WM_CHAR, ord('5'), 0)

def list_window_names():
def winEnumHandler(hwnd, ctx):
if win32gui.IsWindowVisible(hwnd):
print(hex(hwnd), ‘"’ + win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd) + ‘"’)
win32gui.EnumWindows(winEnumHandler, None)

def get_inner_windows(whndl):
def callback(hwnd, hwnds):
if win32gui.IsWindowVisible(hwnd) and win32gui.IsWindowEnabled(hwnd):
hwnds[win32gui.GetClassName(hwnd)] = hwnd
return True
hwnds = {}
win32gui.EnumChildWindows(whndl, callback, hwnds)
return hwnds



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Hey add me on Discord Cebo55#2751

im working on a similar project.

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i did

I’m looking for a solution for this too, have you had any success?