Help - Injecting Skills buff

Hi Comunity iam try to set something and want to know how to inject skills.

i got this from game.: 0x7074 (Data) 01 04 A9 9C 00 00 00

i develop this:

def inject_speed():
   #inject speed  
   packet = struct.pack('H',1025)
   packet += struct.pack('B',169)	
   packet += struct.pack('I',156)	
   log("Plugin: using speed " + str(packet))

in the bot log got the msg:

   Plugin: using speed b'\x01\x04\xa9\x9c\x00\x00\x00'

but no got dc and no put on the skill… maybe iam mistake something?


That opcode is blocked.

Hi Ryan! what mean? i cant use plugin to put on the skill?

That is correct.

@ryan can you add support for adding custon skills on server example you have to enter a skill name and the matching op code and can add it to the skill list (attack/Buff) yourself
for example i also have a socket stone thats not supported by the bot and i also cant trigger it by op code (skills are blocked by bot) but i need this skill every time i login/relog and there are many other player /servers who need custom skill support if you add this it would be realy helpfull we realy need this


@Ryan did you see this ? it will be usefull pls pls pls pls … :pleading_face: