Error pc limit - pm

hi iam getting this error and i dont have any pc connected…!!!can help?!


always getting this error and i just use my own 3 pc. i did not share the code id and pw !!!


Only me use id and pw. i already reset pw 3 days ago and still error every day appeared but reset only every 12 hour… i already resetted 2 hour ago and now appeared again

how many people using your credentials?

me x2 pc and my friend 1 pc.

There are many reasons to get HWID problem. It gets triggered when you change any hardware on your computer. Or changing network connection between different devices (like ethernet to Wi-Fi or any network adapter)

Sometimes it recognizes as a new PC when you restart Windows frequently. Avoid restarting and changing any hardware/device on your computer.

Or wait for re-reset or try again.

There is nothing else you can do.