Error parsing spawn packet


saw this thread because since 3 or 4 days I get this error:

There was a problem parsing the spawn packet, please upload Log\Error.txt to
Error.txt (369.5 KB)

Please help

You most likely have the wrong private server type selected.

Sorry I dont know what you mean. In Manager I selected from the dropdown as Type “Private Server” because I only play on private server.

Can you give me please an example or screenshot where you think I choosed wrong type?

When you add the server to the bot it asks you for the type. That probably needs to be changed.

Yes and I added Private Server so it would be correct, right?

Yes but there is also a type at the bottom.

Tell me please which one you mean and what I should choose?

Edit: Sorry I forgot to say that the interested thing is that this issue only appears on the VM
and not on my other physical PC. Also is an issue that the bot always relog and hangs in a loop by data loading 100%. This is everywhere.

It’s a private server. On the next dialog there’s an option to edit the servers and on there is a type selection at the bottom.

Ah ok I found. And how I know which is the correct one?

Try each one until there are no more errors.

So I tried to change the Type in server profil but if I change it my configs not loaded.
Here is error.log

Please check it and help to fix this issue.
Error.txt (525.7 KB)

Thank you

So after testing all types in the server profil it is still the same issue.

“[13][27.3.3][Unparsable object][6/17/2023] [0x3018][151][22][vSRO/274][ChillOut][Private]”

It would be really nice if I get a response and a solution for that.

I tested on 2 PCs:
[14][27.3.3][Read_QString past end of stream][6/17/2023] [0x3015][62][22][vSRO/274][ChillOut][Private]
[14][27.3.3][Read past end of stream][6/17/2023] [0x3015][155][22][vSRO/274][ChillOut][Private]

For what reason do I not get an answer? I have this problem from 2 different PCs and the bot is not working properly. Since the Error.txt is not readable, I ask that it be analyzed. After all, the application is not free.

Thanks for the help.

It’s weekend also you can try discord might be faster

I cant join discord… I dont know why but it is still loading when I try to join. And it is 4 days left without an answer so thats weekend yes but not 4 days.

Any solutions or feedback?

Not a solution but I’ve try to check a really easy packet from your errorLog:

If [vSRO] and [22] indicates it get parsed as vSro1.188 version

[14][27.3.2][Read_QString past end of stream][6/12/2023] [0x3015][201][22][vSRO][ChillOut][Private]

What I can say is that all items and skills were correctly parsed into phBot data.db so nothing is missing and should get read correctly…

Here are my own hand parsed result. Please note I’m not 100% sure every discription is correct but the general structure should be fine :smiley: 0x3015 SingleSpawn -

Tbh I’m not sure if after the packet ended with “FF” the “04” is a problem here havent done anything with spawn packets in years

So this will not help you at all, I just wanted to see if there is maybe an item or skill that is missing but everything seems fine :smiley:

The error is still there and no feedback from admin or developer. Nice

Do other players in the server have the same issue as you or no issues?