Easter Day Event 2019

Easter Day Event

Event Period

19.03.2019 - 23.04.2019

Event Procedure

Find the golden Easter Eggs on the field.
Talk to the Easter eggs. Each egg will give you random rewards.

Event Rewards
Alchemy catalyst

Alchemy catalyst makes the Alchemy success rate of Magic stone / Attribute stone 100%

Easter Blees (1 random Buff for 5 minute)

Gold Easter Egg Buff: 5 STR Increase
Yellow Easter Egg Buff: 5 INT Increase
Blue Easter Egg Buff: 300 HP Increase
Green Easter Egg Buff: 300 MP Increase
Red Easter Egg Buff: Physical & Magical damage 2% Increase
Pink Easter Egg Buff: Physical & Magical damage 2% Absorption